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1) Does SCinet provide a booth/location for my demo?
No, you need your own booth, or you need to partner with someone who has booth. See the SC15 webpage for information on requesting a booth.
2) Does SCinet provide hardware for my NRE demo?
No, but we can help you get GENI resources.
3) Does SCinet provide WAN circuits to get to my home institution?
No, but we can help you work with the SCinet WAN Team and SCinet network partners (e.g., Internet2, ESnet, Century Link and Level(3)) to provide resources.
4) Does SCinet provide a booth network connection for NRE demos?
No, your booth manager must order all necessary booth connections. The cost of these connections is available here: https://scinet.supercomputing.org/crs/faq/#pricing. SCinet typically offers a discount for academic NRE participants. For more information, email info@scinet.supercomputing.org.
5) What is the difference between a NRE submission and an INDIS submission?
NRE is a 1-2 page submission that helps you do a network demo with support and publicity from SCinet. See: http://sc15.supercomputing.org/conference-program/research-scinet/nre.
INDIS is a separate SCinet-sponsored peer-reviewed workshop with a separate 6-8 page submission. See: https://scinet.supercomputing.org/workshop/.