BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151116T143000Z DTEND:20151116T180000Z LOCATION:15 DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:ABSTRACT: Over the past four years, Globus has become a preferred service for moving and sharing research data on a wide variety of HPC and campus computing resources. With the recent release of data publication and discovery capabilities, Globus now provides useful tools for managing data at every stage of the research lifecycle. While usage across the R&E ecosystem continues to grow, there are many institutions and investigators who are either not aware of the capabilities and benefits Globus can provide, or have limited-scope deployments that they would like to expand.=0A=0AIn this session, participants will learn about the features of the Globus service, and how to use it for delivering robust research data management services that span campus systems, national cyberinfrastructure, and public cloud resources. Globus is installed at most national supercomputing resource providers, and we will draw on experiences from research computing centers (e.g. Michigan, Purdue, Colorado) and HPC facilities (e.g. NCSA Blue Waters, SDSC) to highlight the challenges such facilities face in delivering scalable research data management services. Attendees will be introduced to Globus and will have multiple opportunities for hands-on interaction with the service. SUMMARY:Managing Data Throughout the Research Lifecycle Using Globus Software-as-a-Service PRIORITY:3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR