BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151115T143000Z DTEND:20151115T230000Z LOCATION:18B DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:ABSTRACT: This tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of parallel computing, emphasizing those aspects most relevant to the user. It is suitable for new users, managers, students and anyone seeking an overview of parallel computing. It discusses software and hardware/software interaction, with an emphasis on standards, portability, and systems that are widely available. =0A=0AThe tutorial surveys basic parallel computing concepts, using examples selected from multiple engineering and scientific problems. These examples illustrate using MPI on distributed memory systems, OpenMP on shared memory systems, MPI+OpenMP on hybrid systems, GPU and accelerator programming, and Hadoop on big data. It discusses numerous parallelization and load balancing approaches, and software engineering and performance improvement aspects, including the use of state-of-the-art tools.=0A=0AThe tutorial helps attendees make intelligent decisions by covering the primary options that are available, explaining how they are used and what they are most suitable for. Extensive pointers to the literature and web-based resources are provided to facilitate follow-up studies. SUMMARY:Parallel Computing 101 PRIORITY:3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR