BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20151115T200000Z DTEND:20151115T233000Z LOCATION:Hilton 406 DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:ABSTRACT: As the size, number, variety and complexity of cancer datasets have grown in recent years, new computational challenges and opportunities are emerging within the cancer research and clinical application areas. The workshop focuses on bringing together interested individuals ranging from clinicians, mathematicians, data scientists, computational scientists, hardware experts, engineers, developers, leaders and others with an interest in advancing the use of computation at all levels to better understand, diagnose, treat and prevent cancer. With an interdisciplinary focus, the workshop will provide opportunities for participants to learn about how computation is employed across multiple areas including imaging, genomics, analytics, modeling, pathology and drug discovery. The forward focus of the workshop looks at challenges and opportunities for large scale HPC, including potential for exascale applications involving cancer.=0A=0AMore at: SUMMARY:Computational Approaches for Cancer PRIORITY:3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR