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SCHEDULE: NOV 15-20, 2015

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Post Moore's Law Computing: Digital versus Neuromorphic versus Quantum

SESSION: Post Moore's Law Computing: Digital versus Neuromorphic versus Quantum


EVENT TAG(S): Quantum Computing, HPC Futures and Exascale, Hardware and Architecture

TIME: 1:30PM - 3:00PM

Panelists:George Michelogiannakis, John Shalf, Bob Lucas, Jun Sawada, Mattias Troyer, David Donofrio, Shekhar Bokhar



The end of Moore’s Law scaling has sparked research into preserving performance scaling through alternative computational models. This has sparked a debate for the future of computing. Currently, the future of computing is expected to include a mix of quantum, neuromorphic, and digital computing. However, a range of questions remain unanswered for each option. For example, what problems each approach is most efficient for remains to be determined, and so are issues such as manufacturability, long-term potential, inherent drawbacks, programming, and many others. Can neuromorphic or quantum ever replace digital computing? Can we find alternative CMOS technologies and clever architectures to preserve digital computing performance scaling? What is the upper limit of CMOS? This is a critical debate for a wide audience, because solving many of tomorrow’s problems requires a reasonable expectation of what tomorrow looks like.

Moderator/Panelist Details:

George Michelogiannakis (Moderator) - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

John Shalf - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Bob Lucas - University of Southern California

Jun Sawada - IBM Corporation

Mattias Troyer - ETH Zurich

David Donofrio - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Shekhar Bokhar - Intel Corporation

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