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SCHEDULE: NOV 15-20, 2015
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Practical Scalable Consensus for Pseudo-Synchronous Distributed Systems
SESSION: MPI/Communication
EVENT TAG(S): Power, System Software, Clouds and Distributed Computing, Resiliency
TIME: 4:30PM - 5:00PM
AUTHOR(S):Thomas Herault, Aurelien Bouteiller, George Bosilca, Marc Gamell, Keita Teranishi, Manish Parashar, Jack Dongarra
The ability to consistently handle faults in a distributed environment requires, among a small set of basic routines, an agreement algorithm allowing surviving entities to reach a consensual decision between a bounded set of volatile resources. This paper presents an algorithm that implements an Early Returning Agreement (ERA) in pseudo-synchronous systems, which optimistically allows a process to resume its activity while guaranteeing strong progress. We prove the correctness of our ERA algorithm, and expose its logarithmic behavior, which is an extremely desirable property for any algorithm that targets future exascale platforms. We detail a practical implementation of this consensus algorithm in the context of an MPI library, and evaluate both its efficiency and scalability through a set of benchmarks and two fault tolerant scientific applications.
Chair/Author Details:
Yong Chen (Chair) - Texas Tech University|
Thomas Herault - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Aurelien Bouteiller - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
George Bosilca - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Marc Gamell - Rutgers University
Keita Teranishi - Sandia National Laboratories
Manish Parashar - Rutgers University
Jack Dongarra - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
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