sponsored byACMIEEE The International Conference for High Performance 
Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
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SCHEDULE: NOV 15-20, 2015

When viewing the Technical Program schedule, on the far righthand side is a column labeled "PLANNER." Use this planner to build your own schedule. Once you select an event and want to add it to your personal schedule, just click on the calendar icon of your choice (outlook calendar, ical calendar or google calendar) and that event will be stored there. As you select events in this manner, you will have your own schedule to guide you through the week.

Student Cluster Competition

SESSION: Student Cluster Competition

EVENT TYPE: Students@SC, Student Cluster Competitions

TIME: 6:00AM - 11:55PM



Come to the Palazzo on the first floor to help kick off the Student Cluster Competition and cheer on 9 student teams competing in this real-time, non-stop, 48-hour challenge to assemble a computational cluster at SC15 and demonstrate the greatest sustained performance across a series of applications. Teams selected for this year’s competition come from universities all over the United States, Germany, Taiwan, China, Colombia, and Australia. The teams are using big iron hardware with off-the-shelf (or off-the-wall!) solutions for staying within a 26 amp power limit to survive zombie invasions, discover exotic particles, forecast storms, and sequence DNA!

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Add to Outlook  Click here to download .vcs calendar file

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