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SCHEDULE: NOV 15-20, 2015

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Kokkos: Enabling Manycore Performance Portability for C++ Applications and Domain Specific Libraries/Languages

SESSION: Kokkos: Enabling Manycore Performance Portability for C++ Applications and Domain Specific Libraries/Languages

EVENT TYPE: Tutorials

EVENT TAG(S): Programming Systems, Accelerators, Algorithms

TIME: 1:30PM - 5:00PM

Presenter(s):H. Carter Edwards, Jeff Amelang, Christian Trott, Mark Hoemmen



The Kokkos library enables applications and domain specific libraries/libraries to implement intra-node thread scalable algorithms that are performance portable across diverse manycore architectures. Kokkos uses C++ template meta-programming, as opposed to compiler extensions or source-to-source translators, to map user code onto architecture-targeted mechanisms such as OpenMP, Pthreads, and CUDA. Kokkos’ execution mapping inserts users’ parallel code bodies into well-defined parallel patterns and then uses an architecture-appropriate scheduling to execute the computation. Kokkos’ data mapping implements polymorphic layout multidimensional arrays that are allocated in architecture-abstracted memory spaces with a layout (e.g., row-major, column-major, tiled) appropriate for that architecture. By integrating execution and data mapping into a single programming model Kokkos eliminates the contemporary array-of-structures versus structure-of-arrays dilemma from user code. Kokkos’ programming model consists of the following extensible abstractions: execution spaces where computations execute, execution policies for scheduling computations, parallel patterns, memory spaces where data is allocated, array layouts mapping multi-indices onto memory, and data access intent traits to portably map data accesses to architecture-specific mechanisms such as GPU texture cache. Tutorial participants will learn Kokkos’ programming model through lectures, hands on exercises, and presented examples.

Chair/Presenter Details:

H. Carter Edwards - Sandia National Laboratories

Jeff Amelang - Harvey Mudd College

Christian Trott - Sandia National Laboratories

Mark Hoemmen - Sandia National Laboratories

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