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SCHEDULE: NOV 15-20, 2015
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NRE2015: Numerical Reproducibility at Exascale
SESSION: NRE2015: Numerical Reproducibility at Exascale
EVENT TYPE: Workshops
EVENT TAG(S): SIGHPC Workshop, Applications, System Software
TIME: 8:30AM - 12:00PM
Organizer(s):Michael Mascagni, Walid Keyrouz
ROOM:Hilton 400-402
A cornerstone of the scientific method is experimental reproducibility. As computation has grown into a powerful tool for scientific inquiry, the assumption of computational reproducibility has been at the heart of numerical analysis in support of scientific computing. With ordinary CPUs, supporting a single, serial, computation, the ability to document a numerical result has been a straight-forward process. However, as computer hardware continues to develop, it is becoming harder to ensure computational reproducibility, or to even completely document a given computation. This workshop will explore the current state of computational reproducibility in HPC, and will seek to organize solutions at different levels. The workshop will conclude with a panel discussion aimed at defining the current state of computational reproducibility for the Exascale. We seek contributions in the areas of computational reproducibility in HPC.
This workshop will produce a refereed proceedings that will be available through the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore (free of charge during and immediately after SC, and free after that to SIGHPC members).
More at: http://www.nist.gov/itl/ssd/is/numreprod2015.cfm
Chair/Organizer Details:
Michael Mascagni - Florida State University and National Institute for Standards and Technology
Walid Keyrouz - National Institute of Standards and Technology
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